BIZpaye BONUS Program
BIZpaye offers all members that little extra, just for everyday trading, called the BIZpaye Bonus Program.
Every time you trade using your BIZpaye account, attend a BIZpaye function or networking event, pay your fees on time and more, BIZpaye rewards its members with our very own "Frequent Flyer" style program, where you can use accumulated BIZpaye Bonus Points to redeem for fantastic items like iPads, iPhones, Televisions, Holiday’s and more.
The BIZpaye Bonus Program is not to be confused with the everyday BIZpaye Trading Program, as they are two separate programs.
The BIZpaye Trading Program is the system for which BIZpaye is based on worldwide which helps you to buy, sell, attract new customers and more that is proven worldwide to help your business grow.
The BIZpaye Bonus Program is another FREE program, and another way BIZpaye thanks you for your loyalty and commitment to using BIZpaye as your preferred business partner.
How you automatically earn BIZpaye Bonus Points
Sales Reward Points
For every sale, you make in the BIZpaye system this will earns you points, points for simply trading.
(Standard Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black members only, excludes real estate sales and purchases.)
1 BIZpaye Credit in Goods or Services Sold = 1.5 BIZpaye Bonus Points
For example a 1,000 BIZpaye Sale through your business = 1,500 BIZpaye Bonus Points
Pay your BIZpaye fees on time
Every time you pay your BIZpaye Fees On-Time, we will credit your BIZpaye Bonus Points Account with
1.5 BIZpaye Bonus Points for every 1 Dollar Cash Paid on your BIZpaye Account
Joining BIZpaye is more rewarding
When you join the BIZpaye program, we will automatically enrol you into the BIZpaye Bonus Program and credit you with the folllowing BIZpaye Bonus Points;
BRONZE = 1,500 BIZpaye Bonus Points
SILVER = 2,500 BIZpaye Bonus Points
GOLD = 4,000 BIZpaye Bonus Points
Expo and BIZnet Networking Nights
We all know the benefit of Networking in business, now BIZpaye makes it even more rewarding. Each and every time you attend a BIZpaye Trade Expo or Networking event, we will automatically credit your BIZpaye Bonus Program account with;
Expo/Trade night attendance = 1000 Bonus Points
Partner Function attendance = 500 Bonus Points
Top Traders Dinner attendance = 500 Bonus Points
How to redeen your BIZpaye Bonus Points
Once you have accumulated enough BIZpaye Bonus Points you can check out the BIZpaye Bonus Store located in this section of the BIZpaye website (Coming Soon), to view the items available for you to swap your BIZpaye Bonus Points for.
Once you have identified a product you would like to acquire from the BIZpaye Bonus Store and you wish to redeem points for, simply contact your BIZpaye Account Manager who will facilitate the process for you. It is important to note that in some cases a delivery fee in cash may be incurred.
So what are you waiting for, join BIZpaye Bonus Program today.
Note: Postage and packing, in some cases, may involve a delivery fee in cash.
Please remember, that the BIZpaye Bonus Program is an additional incentive program for BIZpaye Members and is not to be confused with your BIZpaye Trading Account, which generates you new business, saves you cash and helps your business to grow.